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[星島日報 2010/01/23] 香港嘆都‧香港碳都 – 80 後的迷思
Feb 4, 2010
立法會就廣深港高速鐵路﹙高鐵﹚撥款的議案近日在社會引起廣泛討論,669 億的建造成本是否值得見仁見智。事件中一群青年人的激烈抗爭,不同團體的對立,成為整件事的焦點...
星島日報 2010/01/23
In 2005, Utilities Specialist and engineer, Dr. King Wong, set up his consulting engineering business in Hong Kong. In the past few years, the business has grown into local consulting firm of a wide scope …  [Detail]
To be the leading Global Strategic Advisor in Utilities related projects and other type of projects to the municipal, governmental, construction, facilities management, property management Industries.

To empower Clients with the ultimate competitive advantages in all types of projects through the provisions of supreme strategic planning, project management know-how and sustainable technologies and methods.   [Detail]